Supporting Our Churches
The executive secretary is part of the administrative team of the Hawaii Conference. In consultation with the President and Treasurer, carries forward the work according to plans, policies and programs voted by the Constituency and/or the Conference Executive Committee.
As one of the Hawaii Conference three executive officers, the executive secretary provides governance and support for the churches, schools, and ministries.
How We Serve
Maintains records of Hawaii Conference Constituency Sessions, Executive Committee, as well as all conference proceedings.
Custodian of the Bylaws.
Countersigns documents, credentials, and licenses that require the Executive Secretary’s signature.
Manages and compiles membership statistical data.
Church Support
Support to church clerks in the use of eAdventist.
Supports the work of local church clerks in relation to membership transfers, baptisms, professions of faith, etc.
Counsel and support to pastors and local church leadership on policy matters.
Participation in pastor ordination and installation services.
Did you know?
87.5% of churches reported attendance for the third quarter. This represents 28 out of 32 congregations.
Average church attendance [2268.5] = 36% of total membership while 13% are attending Sabbath school.
Secretariat Department News and Updates
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Meet the Team
Judi Jeffreys
Executive Administrative Assistant
Jana VanDenburgh
Conference Clerk